Sunday, February 12, 2012

How to use JBossCache

<< JBossCache Overview
There are a number of way you can implement the JBossCache. Those implementations are totally depends on your application requirement. In this document I am discussing about JBossCache with MBean, because this implementation is widely used.

This is for demo purpose,  so do not use any configuration for production deployment.

Requirements :
1. JBoss Application 4.2.3
2. Ecliple IDE.
3. Java 1.5 or above.

Required Jars:
1. jboss-cache-jdk50.jar - this is already ships with JBoss 4.2.3
2. jbossall_client.jar - this is also ships with JBoss4.2.3

 Some knowledge required on MBean.

MBean implementation of JBossCache is very straight forward. Only one file is required to be setup a JBossCache. This file is an XML file. This file is called a MBean deployment descriptor file. The file name is depends to you but most of the cases the file name will be jboss-service.xml 

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