Monday, April 7, 2014

PrimeFaces with JSF2.0

The title of this post is self describing. This post is trying to describe advantages of PrimeFaces respect to other framework to create rich user interfaces with java  I know most of the developers are not aware of Primefaces, as because this is little bit newer than RichFaces, MyFaces and ICEFaces.

The developers who are using RichFaces, they can easily understand why using PrimeFaces instead of RichFaces and I know they are slowly migrating to PrimeFaces. Both of them are used for developing Rich Internet Applications(RIA). Now the question would be "what is Primefaces?".

PrimeFaces is an open source JSF component suite, It fully implements JSF. It is not only for web based application, it also provides modules for mobile web application. It has TouchFaces module for mobile web application.

PrimeFaces is the one, which provides complete implementation of JSF2.0, but others are not. The support for PrimeFaces is better than RichFaces. PrimeFaces component development is growing rapidly.

PrimeFaces provides 100+ components for JSF. Main goal of PrimeFaces is to create an ultimate component suit for JSF.

PrimeFaces components are lightweight, so the performance of the components are better than RichFaces, ICEFaces and MyFaces components. PrimeFaces provides only one jar file with no dependencies and nothing to configure, only setup needed is for JSF. 

There are several companies, who are recommending to use PrimeFaces, one of them is Spring. If you are using Spring and looking for a JSF front-end framework, then spring suggests to use PrimeFaces.

Rating of favourite framework to create rich user interfaces with java.

Interest trends of PrimeFace over time: